Impact Investment

LOHAS Capital exclusively works with health, sustainability, and other social impact ventures to help build strategic frameworks, generate awareness with target audiences, and support fundraising efforts within the growing impact investment community.

Client “campaigns” extend beyond traditional placement agency activities to incorporate network building as well as content development and investor and strategic partner outreach intended to educate, inspire, and engage.

When needed, LOHAS leverages relationships within the impact investment and family office communities to support client fundraising efforts while ensuring that the message also reaches key influencers.

“All the forces in the world are not as powerful as an idea whose time has come.”

– Victor Hugo

Following a Proven Process

Social and environmental impact ventures, funds, projects, and productions all need to communicate clear paths to both profit and impact to engage investors, partners, and customers.

The LOHAS team helps its clients craft their profit + impact story and then develop and execute the campaign to share that proposition with targeted audiences.

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  • LOHAS team members leverage experience working as part of large management strategy consultancies, utilizing extensive research, deep industry knowledge, and accepted decision-making frameworks to deliver practical, execution-ready go-to-market strategies.
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Messaging & Positioning
  • Whether repositioning for an impact-focused customer audience, to engage select strategic partners, or appeal to new cause-based investors, the LOHAS team helps our clients fully understand the requirements of the target market and tell your impact story more effectively
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Campaign Development
  • Measure twice, cut once. The key to an effective outreach campaign is to establish beforehand the goals of the campaign and develop the necessary tools to educate, engage, and inspire the target audiences and then allocate and align team activities with the overall objectives.
Market & Partner Development
  • Whether the goal is direct growth or expansion of investor avenues, strategic partners or well-positioned access points can create tremendous momentum, and the LOHAS team helps our clients develop these key relationships and leverage influencers to engage target audiences
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  • Core to the LOHAS mission is helping our clients deliver a compelling profit + impact story; and whether that involves outreach to the impact investing or family office communities or taking advantage of alternative investment strategies, LOHAS works to attract untapped sources of impact capital.

“Social entrepreneurs are not content just to give a fish or teach how to fish. They will not rest until they have revolutionized the fishing industry.” 

– Bill Drayton

Proven Strategy + Reliable Execution

LOHAS Capital delivers campaign intelligence for health, sustainability, and social impact ventures. Contact us to start developing your campaign today.