Sustainability Strategies

Sustainability Strategies

Sustainability Strategies

Are you pursuing avenues and leveraging strategies designed to attract and engage investors that are incorporating climate change into their investment decisions?

Develop Your Compelling Sustainability Story

In the realm of social and environmental impact investing, climate change is at or near the top of most investors’ minds and particularly those of the next generation. It can, however, be a challenge to tap into that investor zeitgeist effectively given the volume of available companies, funds, projects, and productions geared towards some aspect of sustainability. At LOHAS Capital, we help select ventures rise above the noise and highlight a unique path that is compelling to a targeted audience of supporters.

Key Sectors Benefiting from Better Sustainability Strategies

Entertainment Productions

The exploding interest in climate and sustainability issues (especially among young people) has not escaped the notice of Hollywood, but for producers inexperienced in this sector of the industry, seeing particular environmental concerns (or success stories) converted into financially successful film or television productions (or other mediums) requires the support of parties skilled in navigating the realm of impact entertainment and investment. The LOHAS team has broad industry knowledge gleaned from many years providing financial and strategic advisory and other services to a wide variety of entertainment companies and productions and can help get producers’ visions to the screen. For more information, visit the Social Impact Entertainment practice discipline area of our website.

Entertainment Productions

The exploding interest in climate and sustainability issues (especially among young people) has not escaped the notice of Hollywood, but for producers inexperienced in this sector of the industry, seeing particular environmental concerns (or success stories) converted into financially successful film or television productions (or other mediums) requires the support of parties skilled in navigating the realm of impact entertainment and investment. The LOHAS team has broad industry knowledge gleaned from many years providing financial and strategic advisory and other services to a wide variety of entertainment companies and productions and can help get producers’ visions to the screen. For more information, visit the Social Impact Entertainment practice discipline area of our website.

Resiliency Where It’s Needed Most

Ventures targeted at, or well suited for, parts of the world particularly susceptible to climate change can be strong candidates for investment if presented properly to the right cast of investors and supporters. For example, Caribbean resiliency is a topic of growing interest to U.S. impact investors (many of whom vacation or own properties in the Caribbean) who have witnessed not only the effects of hurricanes in the region but also the historical challenges for islanders such as high energy prices and volatility. The pandemic even cast a strong light on the importance of food security and resiliency as import restrictions (along with price/quality concerns) highlighted the need for increased local production. The LOHAS team works with ventures tackling these types of clean energy and sustainable food production issues to craft the right stories and engage audiences geared to support these critical, regional challenges.

Alternative Investment Strategies in the Sustainability Sector

Ventures with core sustainability attributes are well suited to garner investment from a wide variety of sources, private and public. Knowing where to look and how best to appeal to various investor or organization types is key. For example, corporations and independent project developers may be good candidates to issue (or engage third-party issuers for) green bonds. While typically limited to endeavors needing substantial funds (e.g., $25 million or more), green bonds can be used for capital-intensive projects achieving measurable sustainability benefits. Finding the right partner (like LOHAS) to assess investment options and engage the appropriate parties to participate is essential if both profits and impact are to be maximized. For additional options, visit the Alternative Investment Strategies practice discipline area of our website.

Key Ways LOHAS Helps


“Sustainability” is in our name! The LOHAS team has broad industry knowledge gleaned from many years working in the environmental technology, services, project development, and company and project financing sectors.

Beyond the deep experience, the LOHAS team has extensive relationships with industry activists and sustainability-focused investors that can strengthen a venture and increase its appeal to targeted audiences. Finally, LOHAS’s expertise with alternative investment strategies can help unlock new mechanisms for capitalizing sustainability companies, funds, projects, and productions.

Our Team is Our Strength

LOHAS Partner Rick Davis has spent over a decade in the environmental sector serving in executive business development, strategy, marketing, company fundraising, project financing, and investor support roles both domestically and internationally.

Beyond working with many cutting-edge sustainability technologies and helping expand numerous ventures, Rick is also on the investment committee and an advisor to the Caribbean Basin Sustainable Energy Fund, a $70 million environmental and social impact venture capital fund that invests in clean energy generation and energy efficiency projects and companies, targeting small and medium-sized investment opportunities in the Caribbean and Central America.

Discover Buried Treasure for your Sustainability Venture

To ensure that you are incorporating a thorough understanding of the environmental impact opportunities embedded in your venture, please contact the experts at LOHAS. “Sustainability” is in our name!